Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Breaking Out of the Hospital!!

...I just got my official discharge date!! I am so excited!! After almost six weeks in the hospital, I can't wait to go home! Thanks to everyone who has been praying and crossing their fingers, because I am getting out ONE day before my birthday!!! I am so excited!! I don't even need a party, it will be the best birthday ever! I am also really excited to be out for the Christmas season.

It's funny, because I should be more nervous about going home than I am. I am still not safe to take steps on my own, so I am going home in a wheelchair, which has plenty of logistical and safety challenges that should make me uneasy, but I am so excited to get out of the hospital that all I feel is excitement!! Just the chance to go outside, to get a full night's sleep, to escape needles and blood pressure cuffs....I can't even imagine the luxury!!  

So my official discharge date is this Thursday. Starting next week I will begin home health, which will send in physical therapists to help me orient to the house and my new equipment. I am hoping all this equipment will be very temporary and that I'll be running up and down the stairs before long. We'll see. I have been using a walker in therapy, and once I get a little more stable and my knees get a little more predictable, I should be able to make my way around the house (and the world!) a little more easily. As cool as a walker is, it makes me look no less than 90 years old, so soon as possible, we will be working towards crutches. I did get to try them out a couple times here in therapy... Have you ever tried walking with crutches when both your legs are impaired?? Haha. It's a pretty complicated process. Remembering a safe stepping pattern is enough of a challenge, let alone remembering other important things like balancing and watching for obstacles! But it shouldn't be long before I'm there.

Once the home health physical therapists sign off on my safety at home, I will begin outpatient physical therapy several times a week. We will continue working on all the things I've been doing here in rehab, with the goal of getting me back to my normal self. As for the medical side of things, I have an appointment with an MS neurologist and an appointment with a Barrow's neurosurgeon (thanks Vanie!) later on this month. So rehab is the first focus, and solving my medical mysteries is up and coming!

Reflecting back on the past six weeks (and the seven weeks of being sick before that!) it is hard to really process everything. So much has happened; so many challenges, so many blessings. Thanks to all of you for the many expressions of love and friendship. So many people have made great sacrifices to help both me and my family. I have been truly stunned and encouraged by the unexpected outpouring of love. I am realizing that no matter how hard life is, it is the people who make it worth living. I don't think I've made enough time in my life for people in the past year. Maybe that's what I needed....a wake up call to truly see all the people in my life for the amazing blessing they are. Thanks to everyone for supporting me, praying for me, and cheering me on. It has meant so much! I have honestly felt your prayers. There have been many difficult days and moments where I felt peace and hope instead of fear or despair. It is amazing what a prayer can do...I know now, more than ever, how real God is, and how much he loves us individually as his children.

I will try to share updates over the next few weeks, as I can.




  1. Yay for great news! I'm happy that you don't have to spend time in the hospital. I dislike hospitals, the smell is horrible.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful testimony. I love you and praying for you.
    Have a great night Mandy!

  2. Wow I didn't realize that I'm this tired. I meant to say...
    "I'm happy that you get to go home SOON."
    Seriously both of us need to go to bed.

  3. woo hoo!! happy birthday to you!! what a great gift and tender mercy to be out by your birthday! now i can tell gracee to pray that you'll recover quickly and that you can start by getting out of the walker and into crutches. you ears will probably be ringing tomorrow morning...right around breakfast time!

  4. Good news you are going to be home for your birthday and Christmas. With your loving family that has got to do you alot of good. Lori
