Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mayo Clinic

Hey Everyone,

As most of you know, we had an appointment at Mayo Clinic today.  This
doctor is a specialist in MS.  After reviewing the chart and conducting his
own neurological exam, he is NOT convinced that this is MS. MS is still a possibility
of course, but he doesn't think it looks like an MS lesion and he doesn't feel like
this lesion could possibly be causing the symptoms she is having.  So he has
ordered more blood tests, he's repeating the nerve conduction studies and he's
repeating the MRI's to see what effect the steroids have had on the lesion. If we find
no answers, the biopsy is back in the conversation.

It's another twist in a very difficult course.  It's really rough on Mandy to feel
like she's back to square one without a diagnosis. (Of course getting the news
that you have MS isn't exactly good news or a big relief either!)

The doctor reminded us that speculating about this until we know what it is, is
really wasted energy and accomplishes nothing helpful. (Especially for the patient)
It's good advice. We don't know if this news is good, bad or ugly so just hang tight and
we will all be patient together. Thank you for all of the positive, uplifting, spiritual
messages. Those are the things that help Mandy the most.

We know that it's a complete miracle that we got into this doctor.  Please keep
praying for the doctor's to find the answers we need so we can chart the
appropriate course. And obviously don't stop praying for a miracle. :-)

Mandy was feeling really lousy and flu-like again today.  Her left hand still has some
weakness but she can do a little more with her legs.  Part of her progress is because
she's been taught in physical and occupational therapy how to use the rest of her body to
compensate for the things her legs can't do. She's really focused on everything they
are teaching her and is amazingly resilient, even when she is utterly exhausted. Which
happens often with everything she endures. She's a rock star!

Mandy's meeting new people every day in rehab and each one has a story.  Some have no
family or friends in AZ and are all alone. It makes us appreciate all the more, the vast love
and support of family and dear friends. Thank you so much for that!

Love,  Tami

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