Wednesday, September 19, 2012

85 Skin Pricks, 17 SHOTS, an IV, and an MRI

Yesterday I had 85 Skin Pricks, 17 Shots, an IV, and an MRI! And today I have a blood draw for some additional testing. We are trying to investigate my crazy head pressure, so my doc sent me to an allergist to see if that could be contributing. The 85 skin pricks in my back turned up nothing, so they moved onto shots! They literally gave me 17 shots in the arms. The nurse hit me with a syringe, threw it in the sharps box, then pulled out the next syringe. I honestly cried last year when I got my one pathetic flu shot! I was suuuuch a baby! I'm not gonna lie and say I'm not still a baby about needles....I definitely am! But I think seventeen shots seemed so surreal that I didn't know how to react. The nurse felt so bad, she promised I'd get a really good "prize" for being so good! Haha! She brought me TWO stickers, a lollipop, and a pack of silly bands! It was pretty funny.

Fortunately or unfortunately (I haven't decided which!) the shots also turned up no allergies. That's a good thing, but it was our safest guess on the head I guess we are still unsure what is causing that. I know it probably seems crazy that I have a big lesion in my head and we are wondering what in the world could be causing head pressure....haha. But the normal meds to help this haven't been working, so the docs want to rule more things out.

I did have another MRI yesterday (which always includes a contrast IV). I don't have results, but I looked at the disk myself, and there don't seem to be any major changes for the better or the worse. If the official report is worth mentioning, I'll definitely post about it. But I'm guessing its all the same. The important MRI will be in November, when we'll first be able to tell if the Tysabri is working.

1 comment:

  1. Mandy,

    I caught up today on your blog and I can't believe how many shots and pinpricks!! Bummer! I want you to know that even though I haven't seen you lately; you are still in my thoughts and prayers! I'm always here ready to work on projects should you ever feel the urge please call me!!!
