Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hooray for a helpful doctor!!

So as it turns out, the PCP i went to see is awesome! He is going to follow my case, and said he will spend 2-3 hours reading my entire medical report from the past few months, and he will make a list of to-dos and priorities. He will meet with me every couple weeks until we have everything sorted out. He is going to help me determine which specialists I need to see in addition to the neurologist. It a huge relief to have a helpful doctor who isn't afraid to take on a challenge. He will help us coordinate and keep track of things from a medical standpoint, and that is exactly what I need! I still have that appointment with the Barrow's neurologist in February, and I am hoping that it goes well and that it will lead to some answers. I will have my next MRI in the next couple weeks, and I will bring it to my February appointment. Hopefully the MRI will tell us something about that lesion.

I have been feeling better this week except for some crazy dizziness yesterday. It's been several weeks since the last time, so i was surprised when it took me completely out of play for awhile. It's always a strange feeling lying on the bed, feeling like you are on some sort of circus ride gone wrong.

Good news though, I am almost one week free of any flu! I had started to wonder if i was a walking virus incubator there for awhile, but it seems that I have broken free of that least for awhile! Physical therapy is also going well, and we've been trying out some new things, including balancing on the trampoline! It's one of the best ways to focus on my stabilizing muscles, and I really have noticed a difference. Tomorrow we are going to try playing Wii Sport games for therapy! Back in the rehab center, most of the patients got to play Wii games and I was always super jealous! Therapy with the Wii is meant to help with balance and stability and since i couldn't even stand back then, it wouldn't have helped me. Now I feel like I have really arrived at some sort of destination....I finally qualify to play Wii!! Haha.

Last weekend i had a few friends over and it felt really great to remember a bit of my life outside of this drama. For awhile i sort of felt like myself! I will be really glad when all of this is behind me and i feel like myself every day. For now, I am just grateful for daily progress.


1 comment:

  1. Your PCP sounds like a stud!! Whoo-hoo!! That's AWESOME.
    As was seeing you the other day. We need to do that more often. I love watching half of movies with you ! ;-)
