Monday, January 30, 2012

MRI Results

I got an update from the neurosurgeon at Barrow's. They reviewed my recent MRI and it looks like that dumb lesion is growing. They said we will continue with the neurological workup, and if we do everything we can and are still left empty handed, I will be going back to the neurosurgeon for a consult on a biopsy. Because it is growing, we need to know what it is so we can be treating it.

I told my mom I must be living in some sort of alternate world, because my first thoughts when I heard this news were:

1. I was thrilled that I had read the MRI correctly! (thrilled?! What is wrong with me?? Lol) I was trying to play neurologist and decipher that MRI for myself, and I kept saying I thought it looked like it was growing on a certain view, and that is the exact view the doctor referenced when giving me the news! I think I am looking at this from a very academic perspective because it's the safest place to be. All the medical ins and outs fascinate me, and academically, it was really exciting that I cracked the code on my own MRI!

2. I was honestly relieved that there was some change. For the past two months, docs have been telling me we just have to "wait". Wait for the next MRI, wait to see what that lesion does, wait for any further clues, wait for a if they had called me and said everything was still the same and we needed to "wait" some more, I would have been disappointed.

3. It wasn't until after talking with the doctor that I was suddenly thinking...wait a minute, a growing lesion is probably the worst news of all. And then I was a little bummed. But honestly, once we figure out what's going on, we can start treating it, and that will be the biggest relief of all.

We have had people ask what to specifically pray for. At this point, what we need is for the docs to be able to sort this out without needing a biopsy. The reason we haven't done one yet is that the lesion is growing in my motor strip. Docs keep telling me that we want to avoid a biopsy there at all cost, because even a needle biopsy in the motor strip could paralyze something. Any and all prayers for my doctors, that they will know how to solve this without a biopsy, would be greatly appreciated.

I have another appointment with a Barrow's neurologist (we were referred there by the neurosurgeon) on February 8th. That doc is going to help us do some more digging and make a plan. Hopefully I will know more after that appointment. I'll post any updates as I have them.

Thanks all for the love and prayers.


Still loving this song: 

1 comment:

  1. I love you Mandy! i am glad we know know a more specific prayer we can say! I hope they can figure this out soon cuz!! In the meantime keep being your fabulous self and keep that smile on! We sure love you bunches!! Love the grumpy's ( Heid Mat and widdew Alex )
