Friday, February 10, 2012

Day Two Plasmapheresis

Hanging in there! Today the treatments made me pretty sick. Not sure if it was the steroids or tampering with my blood, but I had a pretty rough reaction. Docs thought it was likely the change in blood pressure and the shifting of all my blood fluids. I'm still suspicious of the steroids, because I know those make me sick! They are going to give me some meds ahead of my blood treatments tomorrow that should hopefully help.

On a note of complaint (Lol) my blood sugar was high yesterday, so they've been poking me every few hours to test it. One more great reason to get poked! I asked my nurse how much longer we'd have to keep this up, and she said we could stop it tomorrow, since it's been normal all day. But then she checked it and it was 215! (it had been 90-100 all day. Thank you steroids!) So I'm getting an insulin shot, and they'll be poking me for sugars all day tomorrow. Dumb.

I saw my doctor again this morning, and he continues to amaze me. He's smart, he listens, he cares, he has a strong plan for my care, he acts like he's a long time friend of the family, and like he's not in a rush! Does that sound like a neurologist to anyone!? He might just be part of my imagination, because I can barely believe it. He also gave us his direct phone number and email address and said to call if we need anything or have any questions. Amazing!

My mom was here all day, and Micaela, Garner, Michael, and Rick all visited today. I have a few other friends and family scheduled tomorrow, so at least I have good company to boost my spirits! When my brother came, I think he about passed out looking at the blood running in and out of me! He's had a jugular line before, so he knows the torture first hand!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. They truly keep me going.



1 comment:

  1. You amaze me Mandy! You sound so positive through all this, and I didn't know anyone could manage to look beautiful with tubes in their neck, but you do! Praying that this will fix you up quick so you never have to go through it again!
