Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Hey Everyone!

I know Micaela did an update on Facebook but I wanted to take a minute to
add to the blog. Last night we had a fun spa night. We washed Mandy's hair
in a very clean and amazingly useful bedpan!  It was actually a pretty good
system. Then Micaela blow dried her hair and flat ironed it. It was quite a
production for 11 o'clock at night. And Mandy was so exhausted that she actually
slept through the night for the first time in literally months.  That was amazing!

 Mandy had a pretty good day yesterday and we had her up in the wheelchair so
she could get out of the claustrophobic room she's in now. Physical therapy came
and worked with her legs while she was in the wheelchair.  It was pretty tough to do
but she was a trouper. 

Today she got to take her heart monitor off which also meant she could get out of a
hospital gown.  She's ultra sensitive to smells right now and hospital smells are
especially disagreeable to her. (It's a little hard to avoid them but we're trying! She's off
most of her pain medications.  The neurontin is really helping keep the pain under control.
That's a big deal because she has had so much pain throughout this ordeal and when
we get one issue resolved, there's a new one to deal with.

Tomorrow they are going to try to get her transferred to the inpatient rehabilitation center
so they can concentrate more on her physical and occupational therapy.  She only sees
physical therapy here once a day for 20-30 min.  Once she gets to the new unit they will be
working 3 hours a day in divided sessions which should be a workout!  3 hours doesn't seem
like it's that much but it will be.  She's finally well enough to begin but it won't be easy by any
means.  (Tonight her left hand started doing funky things again. It comes and goes.)  The
neurologist thinks she will do well in therapy but he cautions her that this COULD be a long road
to travel.  Some patient's only need 2 weeks of therapy.  Some need much more. And Mandy's isn't
exactly a minor case. There are no definitive answers in this process.  We're praying things will progress
rapidly.  We will keep you posted.

It's so humbling to realize all the things we take for granted every day.  Having the use of your
legs is a big one.  But we realize there are many things that could be worse and this trial is just
a moment in time.  Mandy is realizing how much she hasn't fully appreciated the suffering that others
go through.  She used to have a job in Provo doing home health care.  She now gets to see the
other side of the equation.  It's such a lesson in compassion for the suffering  of others and a reminder
to us all to be more compassionate and more grateful for our health and strength.

Tonight, Mandy's friends Kelly and Katie came to be with her while I went to YW in Excellence with
the girls.  That was such a great experience for Mandy.  They escaped the floor in the wheelchair
and even went outside.  Mandy loved it!  I didn't know it was Kelly's birthday when I asked them to come.
What sweet and loving friends! How blessed we truly are. 

Love to all,


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