Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday, Nov.6th, 2011


Mandy is doing a bit better today.  They've tried a different medication to try to
specifically relieve nerve pain.  It's really helping a lot.  She's been up in the chair
most of the day and is much more awake and alert.  We've had some great
conversations.  Her infectious disease doctor came in and has been doing LOTS of
research to see if there is anything else she can test for.  She actually has a couple
more tests she wants to run.  Tomorrow they are planning more nerve conduction
studies.  They were going to transfer her out of ICU today but she is not quite ready.
Her potassium is FINALLY normal but now her calcium is low.  The doctor's keep
reminding me that she just finished massive doses of steroids and that doesn't do a
body good!  She is now on steroids by mouth and they will gradually wean her off them.
Sounds like it will take a couple of weeks to do that. We're checking out inpatient
rehab centers in anticipation of her discharge from the hospital.  She has to regain her
strength first as they have a pretty intensive therapy program. Right now she continues to
have full feeling in her legs and can move them a little more than before.  They haven't
done physical therapy in the ICU so we're looking forward to her feeling better so she can
begin therapy again.

 Thank you to the many, many dear people who fasted for Mandy today.  We really feel
so much peace in this process and know that we are being blessed in SO many ways.
You help in ways you may never know and I want you to know that we literally feel your
prayers in Mandy's behalf. And we are deeply grateful.

Pray for the doctors to be inspired to find the answers here.  It still remains a big mystery.

Mandy remains strong, calm, cooperative, patient, kind and spiritual.  She totally keeps me in awe.




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