Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Making Progress

Hello Everyone!

Things are progressing nicely in Mandy's world. Yesterday she stood at the edge of the parallel bars and got herself to a standing position and back down in the chair multiple times.  Then they made her put one foot on a phone book and then stand, which makes one leg work more than the other. It's not easy for her but she can do it!
It amazes me how complex it is to re-learn balance and walking.  We take it so for granted every day.

For our family night, we met here in the dining room while Mariah and Mylee did homework and Michael played his guitar and sang for all of us. It was a really wonderful evening.  Michael knows enough songs to keep us entertained for a long time.  It was wonderful.  Mandy loved it!

Today they got Mandy using a special walker with armrests at the top. She said it was kind of scary but they did it.  When I came in she was sitting in a wheelchair with her feet on a rolling stool moving the stool towards her and then away from her.  I was teasing her that she looked like she was taking it easy but it was harder than you might think. She's doing great! So positive and cheerful.

 One of the patients sitting across from her last night at dinner abruptly said, "Mandy, do you know what your example does for all of us here?" Mandy was at a loss for words. She said " We're all old and tend to feel sorry for ourselves.  Then we see you, so young and with such hard struggles, yet you are so happy and so bright and so positive.  You care about everyone and you bring such happiness to everyone you meet.  I just wanted to tell you that and thank you before I leave." It brought tears to everyone's eyes as they all agreed with what was being said. It was such a sweet moment.

When she took those steps on Sunday in rehab the word spread like wildfire on the unit!  Everyone, from staff to patients was congratulating her when they saw her.  It's such an amazing process.  We love the people here.  And this rehab facility is so awesome.  We feel very blessed.

Today, we surprised Mandy with a massage from Micaela's friend Robin.  She was SO excited!  I have to admit I'm jealous. She totally deserves it!  She's been through SO much and she's finally at a point where she can actually enjoy it. 

Yesterday her case workers came in to tell her that they had done a group conference with all of her therapists and they projected her discharge date to be in approximately 3 weeks.  Mandy thought they were teasing because her original discharge date from acute rehab was the 19th then the 22nd.  She's doing so much better now so she thought they would be kicking her out.  But what we came to understand was that they were not feeling like therapy was making any difference before because she was still so sick. But now that's she's stronger she is making serious progress and they can realistically work with her now to get her back on her feet. That was a good news/bad news moment! :-)  But we are so happy to be finally seeing good progress. She celebrated her 3rd week in the hospital on Sunday. She still gets so tired so easily but she works very hard when she's in therapy. They have to insist that she rests more in between sessions. Even just a few days ago she would be pretty strong in the morning but by evening she had very little strength. Now she's gaining more strength and more endurance every day!  it's so exciting!

Thank you for your continuous prayers.  We know they make a difference and that God is truly watching over her.

Love, Tami

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